Welcome to my Space in the Web!
I wonder how Blogging become a favourite hobby among netizens and become a huge success all of a sudden. I consider that’s because of two things mainly.
At First, Everyone on this earth has something to tell – everyone has a viewpoint be it Bill Clinton or a Bank Clerk. Everyone wants to BE LISTENED.
Second, Everyone wants a platform to express their feelings, words, writings, sayings.. Writing a story, poem or an article may solve – but everyone’s work may not be published – as it is in the hands of the publisher. So, a Blogging Site offers a FREE SPACE to tell what you want to tell – No rules, You are the King!
Add to these, you can tell your views to the WORLD.
Here’s my bloggings!
You can Read or NOT Read!
You can Write to me or NOT!
You can do whatever you want
But, I am going to write what I feel, think!
So, my dream journey begins !!